Complaints Policy
Ratified by: The Board of Trustees, also known as the Board of Directors
Date ratified:
Scheduled review date:
Peace In Mind aims to provide high quality services, which meet the needs of service users.
We are committed to ongoing learning and continuous development, and we view complaints as an opportunity to learn and improve for the future, as well as a chance to put things right for the person or organisation that has made the complaint.
If you are not happy with something, please tell us.
This policy can be used by any person, or body, that feels dissatisfied with their dealings with our organisation, or how their case has been dealt with. This applies whether the concern or complaint is about any actions by a member of staff of the Charity, by a Trustee or a volunteer who is representing or acting on behalf of the Charity in some other capacity.
We will:
Provide a fair complaints procedure which is clear and easy to use for anyone wishing to make a complaint
Publicise the existence of our complaints procedure so that people know how to contact us to make a complaint
Make sure everyone at Peace In Mind knows what to do if a complaint is received
Make sure all complaints are investigated fairly and in a timely way
Make sure all complaints are, wherever possible, resolved and that relationships are repaired
A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction, whether justified or not about any aspect of Peace in Mind.
This policy does not cover complaints from staff, who should use Peace In Minds’ Discipline & Grievance Policy.
You can expect to be treated with courtesy, respect and fairness at all times. We will listen to your complaint, investigate it and seek to resolve it.
We expect that you will also treat our staff dealing with your complaint with the same courtesy, respect and fairness and will not tolerate threatening, abusive or unreasonable behaviour by any complainant.
If you are dissatisfied with the service you have received from the Charity we hope that in the first instance you would feel it appropriate to raise the problem with the relevant staff member or manager.
If you are unhappy with an individual member of staff sometimes it is best to tell him or her directly. If you feel this is difficult or inappropriate then speak to the staff member’s manager.
Often we will be able to give you a response straight away. When the matter is more complicated we will give you at least an initial response within five working days.
If you are not satisfied with our response or wish to raise the matter more formally, please write to the Chief Executive. If your complaint is about the Chief Executive, please write to the Chair of the Board.
All written complaints will be logged. You will receive a written acknowledgement within three working days.
The aim is to investigate your complaint properly and give you a reply within ten working days, setting out how the problem will be dealt with.
If this is not possible, an interim response will be made informing you of the action taken to date or being considered.
If after we have responded you are not satisfied, please write to the Chair of the Board who will report the matter to the next meeting of the Board of Trustees, which will decide on any further steps to resolve the situation.
You can also complain to the Charity Commission at any stage.
Information about the kind of complaints the Commission can involve itself in can be found on their website at:
The Board of Trustees may vary this procedure for good reason, where it is felt to be necessary and appropriate to ensure the principles in section 1 and 3 above adhered to. For example, in order to avoid a conflict of interest where either the Chief Executive or the Chair is the subject of the complaint.
We are committed to equal opportunities and our aim is to make our complaints policy easy to use and accessible to all. We will take reasonable steps to accommodate any reasonable adjustments you may have to enable you to access this policy or receive responses to complaints in other formats, and provide such assistance as you may reasonably require.
If you make a complaint, we will process any personal data collected in accordance with our Data Protection Policy.
General enquiries:
Lead Officer:
Board Contact:
Postal address:
This policy should be read alongside the following policies and procedures:
Data Protection Policy
Equality, Inclusion and Diversity Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
We are committed to reviewing this policy as soon as we become aware of any new, significant, relevant, factors, and at least every two years to assess its effectiveness and to update it in accordance with changes in the law.